Monthly Archives: May 2006


Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me to reprint “Carbondale
After Dark.” I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the notes I’ve received about CAD, and as I read the feedback, it occurred to me that there’s a
out there of Carbondale pats and ex-pats who might enjoy communicating
with each other. I also wanted to comment on a lot of your comments,
and decided a blog might be the best way to handle this, even though
I’ve never had one before.

If you aren’t familiar with blogs
(I’m not), you can read what other people write and comment on
their comment, adding to a “thread,” or you can start a new thread by
commenting on another subject with a different title. Or something like
that. Once you submit your comment, I have to “approve” it before it
gets added to the blog, so there may be a time lag before you see
what you’ve written, because I tend to dawdle. I can also
edit your comments if I think they are too raunchy or too whatever, which doesn’t mean you need to keep it clean,
just that I’ll be refereeing as it goes along.

To get things started, I’m posting some of the emails people
have sent. If you don’t want your message posted — or want it deleted,
let me know.
